Determine an author’s point of view or purpose in a text and analyze how an author uses rhetoric to advance that point of view or purpose.

National Parks Lesson Plan: Research a National Park

Posted by jglassman on

This lesson plan, adaptable for grades 3-12, invites students to explore BrainPOP resources to learn about America’s National Parks, from the history of why they were established to how they provide s...

Henry Hudson Lesson Plan: Were His Explorations Successful?

Posted by SM Bruner on

In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 5-12, students use BrainPOP resources to investigate the life, accomplishments, and legacy of English explorer Henry Hudson....

Media Literacy Lesson Plan: Common Advertising Strategies

Posted by SM Bruner on

In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 4-12, students use BrainPOP resources (including the Make-A-Map concept mapping tool) to explore common advertising strategies and increase media lite...