Wuzzit Trouble Game: SnapThought Prompts
Posted by jglassman on
Have your students signed up for individual accounts? If you have a school-wide subscription to BrainPOP, students will be able to use our SnapThought® tool to play Wuzzit Trouble (or Wuzzit Trouble J...

New on BrainPOP Jr: Solving Word Problems Math Movie
Posted by SM Bruner on
Solving math word problems can be tricky for kids, but Annie and Moby are here to help!
In our new Solving Word Problems movie for grades 1-3, students will learn four steps for solving a word prob...

Building Fluency with Math Games on GameUp!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
The first few weeks of school are spent reviewing those skills and concepts students learned the previous year, but may not have practiced over the summer. Math skills are often among those “forgotten...

New on BrainPOP: Multiplying Decimals Movie
Posted by SM Bruner on
Is multiplying decimals a real life skill?
Find out in BrainPOP's latest movie as Tim and Moby explore how to multiply decimals in the tenths, hundredths, and thousandths places. They'll demonstrat...
Multiplying Decimals Lesson Plan
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 3-8, students use BrainPOP resources to explore multiplying decimals....

The Next Math Topic Slated for BrainPOP Production is. . .
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Back in February, we asked YOU to vote in a poll to determine which math topic BrainPOP should produce next. We received 235 individual votes and the winner, with 28%, is multiplying and dividing dec...

Bloom’s Taxonomy in the Common Core Math Standards
Posted by cemignano on
In this 3-part series, BrainPOP's Assessment Specialist, Kevin Miklasz, shares his analysis of the Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards in relation to the levels of Bloom's taxonomy.

Which Math Topic Should BrainPOP Produce Next? You Decide!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Now is your chance to choose the next BrainPOP math topic! We plan to create one of the following math topics:
Multiplying and Dividing Fractions,
Displaying Data,
Surface Area,
Quadratic E...
Area of Rectangles: How Much Wallpaper Do We Need?
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this lesson plan, which is adaptable for grades 3-5, students use BrainPOP resources to learn to how to calculate the area of rectangles. Students will then make a real-world connection and show th...

Making Change and Other Money Skills with BrainPOP Jr.
Posted by SM Bruner on
Did you know that BrainPOP Jr. now offers a new movie called Making Change Under a Dollar?
You can have students use the interactive game to practice making change, or complete the printable activi...