Lesson Plan
Setting Jr. Lesson Plan: Craft and Structure
Posted by rachele on
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Setting Lesson Plan.
This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP Jr. topic Setting, and supports the standard of describing the setting of a story in dep...
Roman Republic Lesson Plan: World History
Posted by steviep on
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Roman Republic Lesson Plan.
This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Roman Republic, and supports the standard of analyzing the political and soc...
Bill of Rights Lesson Plan: Government
Posted by steviep on
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Bill of Rights Lesson Plan.
This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Bill of Rights, and supports the standard of identifying the fundamental rig...
Weathering Lesson Plan: Earth’s Systems
Posted by steviep on
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Weathering Lesson Plan.
This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Weathering, and supports the standard of making observations to provide evidence...
Ocean Currents Lesson Plan: Earth’s Systems
Posted by steviep on
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Ocean Currents Lesson Plan.
This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Ocean Currents, and supports the standard of developing a model to describe ...
Wildfires Lesson Plan: Earth’s Systems
Posted by steviep on
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Wildfires Lesson Plan.
This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Wildfires, and supports the standard of developing a model to describe ways the g...
Tides Lesson Plan: Earth’s Systems
Posted by steviep on
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Tides Lesson Plan.
This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Tides, and supports the standard of developing a model to describe ways the geosphere...
French Revolution Lesson Plan: World History
Posted by steviep on
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the French Revolution Lesson Plan.
This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic French Revolution, and supports the standard of analyzing its major cause...
Nikola Tesla Lesson Plan: Individuals’ Contributions and Identities
Posted by steviep on
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the Nikola Tesla Lesson Plan.
This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic Nikola Tesla, and supports an understanding of his contributions to scientific...
National Parks Lesson Plan: Geography
Posted by steviep on
*Click to open and customize your own copy of the National Parks Lesson Plan.
This lesson accompanies the BrainPOP topic National Parks, and supports an understanding of the importance of National ...