
What’s New at BrainPOP: January Recap
Posted by jglassman on
The new year means new movies and more!
Census NEW
When it comes to the U.S. census, everyone counts! Discover how the census is a way for everyone to participate in government, even i...

Student Choice to Demonstrate Mastery – A CBE Aha! Moment 1.19
Posted by cemignano on
Reflection is an important exercise to encourage professional growth. To become a Certified BrainPOP Educator, we ask candidates to identify a past teaching practice or project, and brainstorm ways Br...

Voice and Choice with CBE of the Month Tina Hackey
Posted by cemignano on
Please welcome January’s CBE of the Month, Christina (Tina) Hackey, to the blog! Tina works at two schools in Levy County, Florida - Yankeetown School and Cedar Key School. Tina is passionate about ST...

Active Viewing and Creative Coding – A CBE Aha! Moment 12.18
Posted by cemignano on
As Certified BrainPOP Educators complete the certification process, we ask them to identify a past teaching practice or project, and brainstorm ways BrainPOP could be used to improve it. We feel refle...

Formative Assessment with CBE of the Month Lauren Johnson
Posted by cemignano on
Please welcome December's CBE of the Month, Lauren Johnson, to the blog! Lauren is the Technology Coordinator at St. Peter Catholic School in Covington, LA and has a passion for teaching not only her ...

Extending Learning at Home with BrainPOP!
Posted by jglassman on
As a teacher, you know that engaging families in the learning process is a key component to reducing academic achievement gaps--and the research confirms this.
A study conducted by the Every Studen...

A CBE’s Journey Into Coding
Posted by cemignano on
Guest blogger and Certified BrainPOP Educator Aimee Bloom joins us to share her love of coding and the value she sees in computer science education. Read on to learn how Aimee found her way into Educa...

Creating Connections Between Ancient Civilizations – A CBE Aha! Moment 11.18
Posted by cemignano on
Reflection is an important exercise to encourage professional growth. To become a Certified BrainPOP Educator, we ask candidates to identify a past teaching practice or project, and brainstorm ways Br...

What’s New at BrainPOP: November Recap
Posted by jglassman on
November is all about the turkey, but leave some room for all the new stuffing...oops stuff… on BrainPOP!
Exponents UPDATE
From numbers in the millions to measurements in microns, discov...

Boost Achievement with BrainPOP: A New Effectiveness Study
Posted by jglassman on
A recent study on the effectiveness of BrainPOP found that students in schools with BrainPOP subscriptions showed a greater increase in standardized test scores than a matched control group.