Discussion Prompts
The House on Mango Street Discussion Prompts and Pause Points
Posted by jglassman on
Read the movie description that appears below the movie player on the The House on Mango Street Topic Page. Then use the following prompts to encourage class discussion before, during, and after watch...
Theme Discussion Prompts & Pause Points
Posted by Dana Burnell on
Read the movie description that appears below the movie player on the Theme Topic Page. Then use the following prompts to encourage class discussion before, during, and after watching the movie.
Horses Discussion Prompts & Pause Points
Posted by Dana Burnell on
Read the movie description that appears below the movie player on the Horses Topic Page. Then use the following prompts to encourage class discussion before, during, and after watching the movie.
Henry Hudson Discussion Prompts & Pause Points
Posted by jglassman on
Read the movie description that appears below the movie player on the Henry Hudson Topic Page. Then use the following prompts to encourage class discussion before, during, and after watching the movie...
Jazz Discussion Prompts & Pause Points
Posted by Dana Burnell on
Read the movie description that appears below the movie player on the Jazz Topic Page. Then use the following prompts to encourage class discussion before, during, and after watching the movie.
Cystic Fibrosis Discussion Prompts & Pause Points
Posted by Dana Burnell on
Read the movie description that appears below the movie player on the Cystic Fibrosis Topic Page. Then use the following prompts to encourage class discussion before, during, and after watching the mo...
Substance Abuse Discussion Prompts & Pause Points
Posted by jglassman on
Read the movie description that appears below the movie player on the Substance Abuse Topic Page. Then use the following prompts to encourage class discussion before, during, and after watching the mo...
Outer Solar System Discussion Prompts & Pause Points
Posted by jglassman on
Read the movie description that appears below the movie player on the Outer Solar System Topic Page. Then use the following prompts to encourage class discussion before, during, and after watching the...
Apartheid Discussion Prompts & Pause Points
Posted by Dana Burnell on
Before the Movie
What do you know about apartheid? (Tap prior knowledge)
Have you heard of Nelson Mandela? If yes, what do you know about him? (Tap prior knowledge)
During the Movie (Pa...
Copyright Discussion Prompts & Pause Points
Posted by Dana Burnell on
Read the movie description that appears below the movie player on the Copyright Topic Page. Then use the following prompts to encourage class discussion before, during, and after watching the movie.