BrainPOP Jr.
Family and Homeschool Activities for Teaching Author’s Purpose
Posted by rachele on
These family and homeschool activities are designed to complement the Author’s Purpose topic on BrainPOP Jr.
Read All About It
With your child, browse through a newspaper or magazine. Together...
Author’s Purpose Grade 3 Lesson Plan: Make-a-Map
Posted by rachele on
In this lesson plan, third graders use BrainPOP Jr. resources to learn about the concept of author’s purpose. They learn how authors write to persuade, inform, or entertain, then they apply their unde...
Author’s Purpose Grade 2 Lesson Plan: Activity
Posted by rachele on
In this lesson plan, second graders use BrainPOP Jr. resources to learn about the concept of author’s purpose. They learn how authors write to persuade, inform, or entertain. Then they apply their und...
Long I Grade 3 Lesson Plan: Write About It
Posted by Dana Burnell on
In this lesson plan, third graders use BrainPOP Jr. resources to learn about the long “i” sound. They discover what letter combinations create this sound and the subtle differences in how the long “i”...
Long I Grade 2 Lesson Plan: Activity
Posted by Dana Burnell on
In this lesson plan, second graders use BrainPOP Jr. resources to learn about the long “i” sound. They discover what letter combinations create this sound and the subtle differences in how the long “i...
Family and Homeschool Activities for Teaching Allen Say
Posted by rachele on
These family and homeschool activities are designed to complement the Allen Say topic on BrainPOP Jr.
Draw from Memory
Allen Say’s memoir is called Drawing From Memory. Ask your child what they ...
Allen Say Grade 3 Lesson Plan: Make-a-Map
Posted by rachele on
In this lesson plan, third graders use BrainPOP Jr. resources to learn about author Allen Say. They explore comparing themes of stories written by the same author. Then they apply their understanding ...
Allen Say Grade 2 Lesson Plan: Write About It
Posted by rachele on
In this lesson plan, second graders use BrainPOP Jr. resources to learn about author Allen Say. They explore making connections between themselves and a text. Then they apply their understanding by wr...
Allen Say Grade 1 Lesson Plan: Talk About It
Posted by rachele on
In this lesson plan, first graders use BrainPOP Jr. resources to learn about author Allen Say. They explore making connections between themselves and a text. Then they apply their understanding by com...
Allen Say Background Information for Teachers, Parents, and Caregivers
Posted by rachele on
This page provides information to support educators and families when teaching K-3 students about the writer Allen Say. It is designed to complement the Allen Say topic on BrainPOP Jr.
Author stu...