Purchasing and Using BrainPOP in California

Thanks for your interest in BrainPOP. Bookmark this page for easy access to helpful information about purchasing and using BrainPOP in California. You’ll find email addresses and telephone numbers for your sales managers, details on our standards alignment, funding tips, BrainPOP subscribers in your area, a science-based efficacy study, our brochure, the best sources for BrainPOP news, and more.
Your California Team
Denise Polt, West Coast District Relations Manager
Email: denisep@brainpop.com
Phone: 212.574.6026 ▪ 866.542.7246
Peter Glovin, VP District Relations
Email: peterg@brainpop.com
Phone: 212.574.6030 ▪ 866.542.7246
Aligned to YOUR Standards
Our State Standards tool, powered by Academic Benchmarks, makes it a snap to find the BrainPOP content that aligns to your state’s standards. Search by state, grade, or subject. Explore our academic alignments here.
Funding BrainPOP in California
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Also be sure to visit the Funding section of our web site for more ideas on getting BrainPOP in your district using local, state, and federal funds.
BrainPOP Near You
Use this drop-down menu [to come] to find out where BrainPOP is bringing lessons to life in your part of the state.
Download Our Brochure
Our brochure provides an overview of who we are and what we offer.
Efficacy Study
In 2009, SEG Research conducted a multi-site efficacy study to evaluate the effectiveness of BrainPOP. The findings indicated that students using BrainPOP in grades 3, 5, and 8 made significant improvement in Science, Reading Comprehension, Language, and Vocabulary Skills compared to students in classes that did not use BrainPOP. Find out more and read the research.
Be in the Know
Follow us on Twitter, “Like” us on Facebook, join our free professional community,BrainPOP Educators, and sign up for our free e-newsletter. You’ll stay up-to-the-minute on all BrainPOP news and see all the ways our resources make a difference.
About BrainPOP
BrainPOP (www.brainpop.com) creates animated, curricular content that engages students, supports teachers, and bolsters achievement – in classrooms, at home, and on mobile devices. Our award-winning online resources include BrainPOP Jr. (K-3), BrainPOP, BrainPOP Español, and, for English language learners, BrainPOP ELL. We are also home to GameUp, an educational games portal for the classroom, and My BrainPOP, a tool that lets teachers create custom assessments and keep track of student learning. All resources are supported by our professional community, BrainPOP Educators. Mapped to the Common Core and aligned to academic standards, BrainPOP web sites and mobile apps support individual, team, and whole-class learning in traditional, blended, and “flipped” settings. Our global sites host more than 17 million visits per month, and our mobile learning apps – downloaded millions of times – continually rank among the highest in the major app stores’ education categories.