These screencasts illustrate how students use each tool and feature on BrainPOP ELL. Students practice conversational English, grammar concepts and vocabulary words introduced in the lesson movies. These activities build on each other, reinforcing vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation, reading comprehension, and writing skills. Student build confidence to read, write, and speak English.


Click an icon to watch a screencast video about the specific tool or feature.
This screencast shows how "Hear it Say it" allows students to record and playback their voice to practice pronunciation and conver...
This screencast shows how "write it" feature guides students to practice writing with new grammar and vocabulary introduced in a BrainPOP EL...
This screencast shows how the BrainPOP ELL "Quiz" assesses vocabulary, grammar rules and conversational English skills from each BrainPOP EL...
This screencast shows how "Read It" feature guides students to practice reading the new grammar and vocabulary introduced in a BrainPOP ELL ...
This screencast shows how the "Make-a-Map" tool guides students to visually represent understanding of grammar and vocabulary introduced in ...
This screencast shows how the "flash words" feature provides practice for vocabulary introduced in a BrainPOP ELL lesson....
This screencast shows how the BrainPOP ELL "Grammar Summary" outlines the grammar rules introduced in the lesson....