Inventions Lesson Plan: The Origins of Computers and Other Technology
Posted by SM Bruner on
In this lesson plan which is adaptable for grades 6-8, students use BrainPOP resources to explore the origins of computers and how they have changed our lives and affected other inventions....

Search Shark Learning Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
Visit the Lesson Ideas page to find resources for Search Shark, a free online game for teaching internet searching skills....

Share Jumper Learning Game
Posted by SM Bruner on
Visit the Lesson Ideas page to find resources for Share Jumper, a free online game for teaching internet safety skills....
Lesson Resources for Incorporating Student-Created Games
Posted by SM Bruner on
BrainPOP's GameUp features lots of student-made games. Learn how to use student-designed games in your classroom and support students in creating their own games!
Here are some ideas and resource...

Using BrainPOP With SmartBoard Senteos
Posted by SM Bruner on
Special guest Will Kimbley, 6th grade teacher and Technology guru joins us to share his tips and tricks for using BrainPOP with his interactive whiteboard and student response systems. Will has experi...

The Globeys: Globaloria’s Game Design Awards
Posted by cemignano on
Globaloria, established by the World Wide Workshop, is a program that teaches students how to create web-based educational games and interactive simulations. Each year, the program hosts the Globeys, ...

Summer Connection and Building a Culture of Innovation.
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
BrainPOP was thrilled to sponsor and attend Summer Connection 2012, a conference in Mooresville, North Carolina - home of the "Digital Conversion Initiative" - one of the nations first, and most succe...

STEM Teacher Corps Announced
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Last week, President Obama announced plans for a STEM teacher Corps to recognize and reward leading teachers in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) areas. Recognizing the impor...

RIP Sally Ride
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
The world lost a true pioneer yesterday. Sally Ride, who flew through space in 1983, died of pancreatic cancer. Though most well known as an astronaut, watch the BrainPOP animation to learn more about...
BrainPOP Lesson on Blogs
Posted by SM Bruner on
Watch as I navigate my way through a lesson on blogs from BrainPop....