In the mind of a CBE

Coding Across the Curriculum

Posted by cemignano on

We're excited to welcome Certified BrainPOP Educator, Lauren Johnson, back to the blog! Read on to learn about how Lauren was thrown into coding, her fears of the new curriculum, and how it's come to ...
In the mind of a CBE

Seamlessly Embedding BrainPOP – A CBE Aha! Moment 3.19

Posted by cemignano on

Time and attention are precious resources and it can be difficult to integrate new tools into your already packed curriculum. As part of the BrainPOP certification process, we ask educators to conside...
In the mind of a CBE

The Beep in Bilingualism

Posted by cemignano on

We'd like to welcome guest-blogger Natalia Rasavong to the blog! Read on to see how Natalia uses both BrainPOP and BrainPOP Español  in a dual language classroom to support content knowledge and langu...
In the mind of a CBE

App Smashing with BrainPOP – A CBE Aha! Moment 2.19

Posted by cemignano on

A requirement for the Certified BrainPOP Educator program asks participants to reflect on their teaching practices and identify moments where they plan to make changes based on what they’ve learned ab...
In the mind of a CBE

Student Choice and Differentiation

Posted by cemignano on

Guest blogger and Certified BrainPOP Educator Tina Hackey joins us to share her passion for differentiated learning and student choice. Read on to learn how Tina found her way into education from her ...
In the mind of a CBE

Supporting English Language Learners Using BrainPOP Jr.

Posted by cemignano on

We'd like to welcome CBE Melissa Murray to the blog! Melissa teaches second grade in northern California, and is here to share how she uses BrainPOP Jr. to support the ELLs in her class.  Multiple ...
In the mind of a CBE

Student Choice to Demonstrate Mastery – A CBE Aha! Moment 1.19

Posted by cemignano on

Reflection is an important exercise to encourage professional growth. To become a Certified BrainPOP Educator, we ask candidates to identify a past teaching practice or project, and brainstorm ways Br...
In the mind of a CBE

Active Viewing and Creative Coding – A CBE Aha! Moment 12.18

Posted by cemignano on

As Certified BrainPOP Educators complete the certification process, we ask them to identify a past teaching practice or project, and brainstorm ways BrainPOP could be used to improve it. We feel refle...
In the mind of a CBE

A CBE’s Journey Into Coding

Posted by cemignano on

Guest blogger and Certified BrainPOP Educator Aimee Bloom joins us to share her love of coding and the value she sees in computer science education. Read on to learn how Aimee found her way into Educa...
In the mind of a CBE

Creating Connections Between Ancient Civilizations – A CBE Aha! Moment 11.18

Posted by cemignano on

Reflection is an important exercise to encourage professional growth. To become a Certified BrainPOP Educator, we ask candidates to identify a past teaching practice or project, and brainstorm ways Br...