
November Spotlight – American Indians
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
This November, check out our Spotlight: American Indians. In BrainPOP's careful and sensitive way, our movies explain the wide variety of culture and peoples indigenous to the Americas. Topics inclu...

Halloween on BrainPOP
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Happy Halloween! From scary costumes to sticky sweet candy, Halloween is filled with curious and fun tradition. Learn all about the fascinating origins of today's holiday with the Featured Movie - Ha...

Brain Points: A Growth Mindset Reward Structure Boosts Player Persistence!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Brain Points: A Growth Mindset Reward Structure Boosts Player Persistence in Refraction
By: Eleanor O'Rourke
Psychologist Carol Dweck has made an interesting discovery. She and her colleagues have...

Nobel Prize for Medicine Awarded for Discoveries in Cell Transportation!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
This morning, professors James Rothman, Randy Schekman, and Thomas C. Suedhof became the latest recipients of Nobel Prize in Medicine! They received the award for their work detailing how a cell’s tr...

Connected Educator Month
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
The U.S. Department of Education’s Connected Educators initiative has made October 2013 the second annual Connected Educator Month! Throughout the month, there will be coordinated opportunities to par...

BrainPOP’s New and Improved iOS App!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
BrainPOP's beloved featured movie app has been updated and is now featured on the iTunes App Store! Be sure to update and see the new optimized layouts for Apple's iOS 7, nifty swiping gestures that a...

Using BrainPOP’s Quizzes with Promethean’s LRS
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
We'd like to thank those of you who have contacted us to express interest in continued use of our quizzes with ActivExpression and ActiVote. The integration of BrainPOP quizzes with these learner resp...

Context Clues – New Content on BrainPOP
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
We're excited to announce the debut of yet another BrainPOP topic that can help explain a popular reading strategy, Context Clues. In this BrainPOP movie, Tim explains how to use context clues to figu...

BrainPOP in French: Our Film du Jour French App debut!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Looking for a French App for your iOS device? Vive le Film du Jour app! We've just launched a French version of our Featured Movie app for iOS, available in iTunes for your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touc...

Annotate BrainPOP Activity Pages!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Now you can type and draw annotations on BrainPOP activity pages!
Take a look at the new functionality at the bottom of BrainPOP activity pages! Now students can choose to type, draw (and erase) on...