What’s New at BrainPOP: March Recap
Posted by jglassman on
With schools closed due to the coronavirus, and students learning from home, BrainPOP has been pulling together resources and ideas to support teachers with distance learning and families with ways to keep the learning going at home.
Discover teacher and family resources below and then see what else was new in March.
For Teachers
Explore online and printable versions of distance learning lesson plan packs for two timely topics for grades 3-8.
Protecting Planet Earth
Building Inner Strength
For Families
If you are able, please share the following video tutorial and home activities with your students’ families.
Support Learning at Home with BrainPOP
This short video tutorial describes how BrainPOP movies and accompanying resources and tools can help keep the learning going at home.
Explore home activities by grade band. Please note if you are not able to access these google docs, they will soon be available as PDFs:
Upcoming Webinars
Supporting English Language Learners (ELLs) with BrainPOP Jr. (Grades K-3)
Join the BrainPOP Educators team to explore how to use BrainPOP Jr. resources, such as Word Play and Talk About It, to support ELL students in grades K-3. We’ll model strategies for vocabulary development, conversational fluency and more! Click a date to register:
Wednesday April 1, 2:00 p.m. ET
Thursday April 2, 3:00 p.m. ET
Supporting English Language Learners (ELLs) with BrainPOP (Grades 3-8)
The BrainPOP Educators team will model strategies for vocabulary development, conversational fluency, and more using BrainPOP resources. Click the date to register:
Wednesday April 1, 3:00 p.m. ET
Supporting Differentiation and Accessibility with BrainPOP Jr. (Grades K-3)
Discover how to use BrainPOP Jr. to provide multiple entry points to engaging learning experiences, including how to use the Assignment Builder to create differentiated pathways based on a student’s learning profile. Click to register:
Wednesday April 8, 2:00 p.m. ET
Supporting Differentiation and Accessibility with BrainPOP (Grades 3-8)
The BrainPOP Educators team will demonstrate how use BrainPOP to provide multiple entry points to engaging learning experiences, including how to use the Assignment Builder to create differentiated pathways based on a student’s learning profile. Click to register:
Thursday April 9, 2:00 p.m. ET
Past Webinars
Missed a webinar? No problem! Webinars are always available on demand, including the following from March. Teachers, please share these with families:
Distance Learning Activities for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers Using BrainPOP Jr. (Grades K-3)
Discover how to make learning “pop” at home with BrainPOP Jr. movies, activities, and creative tools.
Available on Demand
Distance Learning Activities for Parents, Caregivers, and Teachers Using BrainPOP (Grades 3-8)
Explore the many rich features and tools BrainPOP offers including and beyond its popular movies and quizzes. We model how to leverage these resources, from a concept-making tool to a movie-maker and more to provide academically rigorous, meaningful, and entertaining learning experiences.
Available on demand
Distance Learning with BrainPOP
Learn how to use BrainPOP to make assignments, build assessments, and manage student learning remotely. We outline integrations with various Learning Management Systems, such as Google Classroom and Canvas, providing suggestions for both synchronous and asynchronous approaches to online learning. Recognizing not all students have access to technology at home, we provide guidance for developing equitable lessons that are effective whether completed on- or offline.
Available on demand – via Youtube
Supporting Distance Learning: A Chat with Certified BrainPOP Educator Jennifer Liang
“CBE of the Month” Jennifer Liang joined us to chat about how she supportings the teachers and students at her school with distance learning.
Available on demand
More New Stuff on BrainPOP
Scientific Process NEW
Discover how scientists navigate the twists and turns of the scientific process to solve the mysteries of nature.
CBE of the Month
Meet March CBE Jennifer Liang, an Instructional Technology Specialist at a school for students with autism spectrum disorders and other high functioning special needs. Learn how Jennifer uses BrainPOP to make the curriculum more accessible.