On the Road

BrainPOP On-the-Go: Upcoming Conferences

Posted by jglassman on

BrainPOP is on the go this month at conferences across the country. If you’ll be attending any of the following, please stop by our booth!

March 5-6: Utah Coalition for Educational Technology (UCET); Booth in the Playground space

March 6-8: North Carolina Technology in Education Society (NCTIES); Booth #813

March 13-15: Kentucky Society for Technology in Education
(KySTE ); Booth #605

March 14-16: Computer Using Educators (CUE), Palm Springs, CA; Booth #459

March 15:  Massachusetts Computer Using Educators(MassCUE) and MA affiliate of Association of Supervision and Curriculum Development (MASCD)

March 16-18: ASCD, Chicago, IL; Booth #1846

March 20-22: Michigan Association for Computer Users in Learning (MACUL)


Filed as:  Conferences, On the Road