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What’s New at BrainPOP: February Recap

Posted by jglassman on

February is the shortest month, but it’s not short on new stuff at BrainPOP!


Grace Hopper NEW

Meet Grace Hopper — math professor turned computer programmer turned Navy admiral who charted the course for modern coding.

Jupiter UPDATE

You know it as the largest planet in the solar system, but there’s a lot more to learn about Jupiter. Join Tim & Moby on trip through this gas giant!

BrainPOP Jr.

Conflict Resolution NEW

Join Annie and Moby as they learn to communicate and listen respectfully and how to compromise to solve conflicts.

Booleans NEW

What’s are booleans? Discover what they are and how we use them to code.


iCivics Sortify: U.S. Citizenship

This special edition of Sortify, developed with our partner  iCivics, challenges students to apply critical thinking skills by categorizing key citizenship concepts. The more complex the sorting category, the more points students earn!

Mission US: For Crown or Colony?

In their role of a printer’s apprentice in 1770 Boston, students encounter Patriots and Loyalists. When rising tensions result in the Boston Massacre, they must choose where their loyalties lie. Explore other games in the Mission US collection.


Presidents’ Day Coding Projects

This past month, in honor of Presidents’ Day, we invited students to use BrainPOP’s Creative Coding to “show what they know” about the presidents and the presidency. If your class didn’t get a chance to try out these presidential coding projects, now is the perfect time!

BrainPOP Educators

Webinar: Meeting ESSA Evidence Standards with BrainPOP

We recently hosted a webinar explaining the key findings of our published study on the effectiveness of BrainPOP. Watch the webinar and read the key findings!

BrainPOP 101

Our interactive course provides a series of hands-on activities that invite you to play with BrainPOP features and tools–from Make-a-Movie and Challenges to Primary Sources and more. Along the way, discover how best to leverage all of these rich, playful resources to support you and your students as they explore topics across the curriculum.

Lesson Idea Page Update

We recently updated the look of the Lesson Ideas page, accessible from every BrainPOP topic when you log in with your educator account. To support active viewing, we are now adding Discussion Prompts (with pause points!). And, this is just the beginning… more changes to BrainPOP Educators coming soon!