Why should I participate in the BrainPOP Certification Refresher?

The Certification Refresher provides an opportunity to learn about Creative Coding –BrainPOP’s new block- and text-based coding projects — and experience how to incorporate coding into every subject across the curriculum.

Whether your school subscribes to Creative Coding yet or not, you will discover the benefits for participating in the refresher as follows:

My school does not yet subscribe to Creative Coding

  • No problem! We will provide a FREE TRIAL to Creative Coding through the end of the school year! (Creative Coding will be enabled within two weeks of when you submit the refresher requirements.)

My school or district currently subscribes to Creative Coding

  • Lucky you! You will receive an exclusive, BrainPOP coding T-shirt! (T-shirt will be mailed to your updated address after 4/1)

My school or district does not currently subscribe to BrainPOP (or has a limited Digital Citizenship subscription)

  • We miss you!  To encourage you to re-subscribe, we will offer complimentary access to Creative Coding through the end of the school year upon renewal.

How long does “refreshing” take and what are the steps?  

The certification refresher takes just over an hour and is due by April 1.

  1. Begin by watching this 15-minute overview about Creative Coding. We encourage you to also share this overview with your colleagues.
  2. Select and complete one of the block- or text-based Creative Coding projects.
  3. Take a couple screenshots of your final project, including both the code and the visual product.
  4. Complete the CBE Refresher Survey. NOTE: You’ll be prompted to attach screenshots of your finished project.
  5. Voila! We will follow up with the benefit described above – keep an eye on your inbox or snail mailbox! 

We know once you explore Creative Coding you will love it … and so will your students!