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What’s New at BrainPOP: August Recap

Posted by jglassman on

It’s back-to-school time and BrainPOP has been getting ready. Here’s a recap of what’s new!

New Features

BrainPOP at Home
Back-to-school is a perfect time to remind families that your school’s BrainPOP subscription means they have 24/7 access at home to our award-winning content for hundreds of topics and tools such as Make-a-Movie, Make-a-Map, and Creative Coding!

BrainPOP is stepping up efforts to strengthen the home-school connection because we understand that building relationships with families has a positive impact on students academically and socially. Throughout the school year, we will share activities and tips for using BrainPOP at home.  Begin by letting  families know they have access to BrainPOP at home by printing, customizing and sending home a letter:

Assignment Builder
Our easy-to-use assignment tool for BrainPOP and BrainPOP Jr. lets you create a single assignment with multiple movies and features.  To access Assignment Builder, simply log in with your My BrainPOP teacher account, navigate to any topic or feature, click the assign button, and select Assignment Builder. Watch this screencast for step-by-step directions on how to get started building assignments.

BrainPOP Movies

This summer, we’ve been busy updating some of our older movies. Take a look!

Discover how Earth’s magnetic field interacts with a compass needle to help you figure out where you are.

Information Privacy
How can you stay safe on the Internet? In this updated movie, Tim and Moby share important tips, like keeping your personal information private and how to avoid common online scams. Educate yourself and be prepared!

Digital Etiquette
Tim and Moby explore how the rules of conduct we follow in our offline lives apply to our digital lives too.