Posted by Bev Fine on
What is WIDA? World-class Instructional Design and Assessment (WIDA) is an organization that advances academic language development and academic achievement for English learners through their English Language Development (ELD) Standards, assessments, research, and professional development. WIDA is recognized as one of the most trusted resources for the education of PreK-12 English learners, which is why we are excited to announce our WIDA PRIME V2 Correlation to BrainPOP ELL.
The WIDA PRIME V2 Correlation, completed by Bev Fine, BrainPOP ELL’s Editorial Director and Certified WIDA Correlator, identifies, explains, and cites examples of how the components and dimensions of the ELD Standards are represented in BrainPOP ELL:
- Asset-based Philosophy. The assets, contributions, and potential of all learners are considered throughout BrainPOP ELL.
- Academic Language and Performance Definitions. BrainPOP ELL recognizes that academic language is multidimensional by addressing academic language at the word, sentence, and discourse dimensions for all language proficiency levels and across all language domains (listening, speaking, reading, and writing).
- Model Performance Indicators. ELLs can engage in cognitively demanding activities regardless of language proficiency level. BrainPOP ELL connects the ELD Standards to academic content while using scaffolding supports to differentiate for language proficiency.
Take a look at the WIDA PRIME V2 Correlation for BrainPOP ELL, and let us know your thoughts!