#BPOPchat: Join Our Next Twitter Chat on Establishing Classroom Routines – Thursday, August 6th!
Posted by cemignano on
Join BrainPOP’s next Twitter chat Thursday, August 6th at 7:00 PM EST! To kick off the school year, POPstars and the BrainPOP Educators team – including Andrew (@agardnahh), Carrie (@CEMignano), and Jordan (@nadroj_t) – will discuss approaches, resources, and ideas for establishing classroom routines. This is a great opportunity to connect with fellow educators and gather inspiration for organizing your classroom community from day one.
We’ll follow the standard Twitter chat structure like we’ve done for chats in the past. We recommend using a Twitter chat room like Nurph.com, but you can join in directly through Twitter by using #BPOPchat.
We hope to see you next Thursday!
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Apps, Mobile Learning, Professional Development, Social Media and Education, Twitter Chat, bpopchat