BrainPOP Contains Primary Sources?
Posted by SM Bruner on
Did you know that BrainPOP hosts a collection of Primary Sources? This gives you one more way to build cross-disciplinary literary skills! Our Primary Source activities present students with provocative, open-ended questions that challenge them to examine the source and call upon prior knowledge to interpret it.
Each Primary Source activity centers on a passage of text, photo, video, or other format related to the given topic. For example, you’ll find a letter from Andrew Jackson to the Seminole Indians featured for the Seminole Wars topic. You’ll also find photos of mudskippers, the fish with ‘reverse scuba tanks’, for the Fish movie. Another example is the footage taken on the moon’s surface to demonstrate the Law of Free Fall: you can find that along side our Galileo Galilei movie.
Primary Sources already accompany more than 200 BrainPOP topics, and we’re adding new ones every week. To access them look for the PRIMARY SOURCE button on the topic page!
Are you using Primary Sources to support the CCSS or meet other ELA goals? Send us an email, or share your thoughts in the comments below.