New on GameUp: Game Over Gopher
Posted by SM Bruner on
Game Over Gopher is an engaging and educational game by Math Snacks that allows students to explore plotting functions on a grid. You can use the game to introduce students to the graphing topic or to help them develop fluency with coordinates. The game helps students read coordinate pairs, plot values on a graph, differentiate negative coordinates from positive coordinates, and identify the four quadrants of a coordinate plane.
Want to see the game in action? Check out this video to watch as Game Over Gopher is played by students and learn strategies from classroom teachers on implementing the game.
On our Lesson Ideas page, you’ll find a detailed lesson plan adaptable for grades 4-6, discussion questions to help you facilitate students’ conversations about game play, and ideas for extending student learning after the game. Even more resources are available from the game developer in the Game Over Gopher Teaching Guide.
If you like Game Over Gopher, be sure to explore our other fantastic games from Math Snacks, including Gate, Monster School Bus, Ratio Rumble, and Pearl Diver.