Join the Learning Revolution!
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
As all BrainPOP Educators know, the technologies of the Internet and the Web are reshaping where, when, and from whom we learn. However, we can also be quickly overwhelmed by the variety, quantity and quality of professional development opportunities that exist within in this new educational landscape.
The Learning Revolution Project is a new venture from connected educator Steve Hargadon highlights virtual and physical events from Web 2.0 Labs and its partners. These events bring together educators, learners, leaders, and others to rethink and reinvent education. In addition to organizing online and physical events, members of the The Learning Revolution, can participate in the “host your own webinar” series – anyone can create their own proposal to present or collaborate using professional grade webinar tools provided by the hosts.
The Learning Revolution newsletter already reaches 120,000 educators each week. To receive it, please join their NING network.