Game-Based Learning Design Workshop
Posted by Laura Gatto on
“The single best opportunity for innovation in education is to gather teachers together in professional development programs that are pedagogy-centered, so that they can hone their teaching techniques to better serve their students.”
– Joe Bisz.
Game-Based Learning NYC (GBLNYC) – a community of educational game enthusiasts – held their first ever game design workshop on December 14th hosted at our BrainPOP NYC headquarters. The GBLNYC group organizers, Joe Ballou and Liz Jasko, helped to facilitate an engaging one day workshop on the stages of Game Design beginning with brainstorming through to iterative rapid prototyping design skills. We welcomed a diverse and energetic group of 30 participants. Joe Bisz of the CUNY Games Network lead the group through the learning game design process using a game card deck he developed called, “What’s Your Game Plan?”
Ongoing Game-Based Learning Initiatives
We are thrilled to have been a part of this event that brought design professionals, game designers and educators together. We look forward to hosting more events like this in 2014! If you are interested in learning more about GBLNYC click here. We are committed to supporting Educators with tools to implement game-based learning strategies into your classroom. Many thanks to our partners and friends that helped to make this day extraordinarily FUN for all!