100 Years Ago Today, Rosa Parks was Born.
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
100 years ago today, February 4th 1913, Rosa Parks was born. Her courage helped spark the civil rights movement- and she remains a central figure in a defining moment of 20th century US history.
To celebrate, today’s BrainPOP featured movie is about the Civil Rights Movement. This topic is a powerful entry point into the historical period. From movies on Dr. King and Malcolm X to Brown vs. Board of Education and the Bill of Rights – BrainPOP content can help support understanding. For those educators working with students in early elementary, the topic page dedicated solely to Rosa Parks is a great entry point too.
In addition to BrainPOP topic pages, check out GameUp. Games such as Argument Wars or Court Quest can help students better understand how the US judicial system both maintained unfair laws for so long, but also provided a mechanism for changing them. Finally, in BrainPOP Educators, we have tons of support materials, including this lesson plan to help you consider Rosa Parks among other historically significant women.
So celebrate today’s birthday and do something courageous.