BrainPOP and the 2012 Podstock Conference
Posted by cemignano on
BrainPOP Superstar Educator, Andrea Keller, Reflects on the Podstock Conference
The middle of July marked the 4th annual Podstock Conference in Wichita, Kansas. Podstock is that conference that once you go, you will keep going back. I have to say that I am a Podstock Original.
Why do people come to Podstock? As their website says, “So what is Podstock? It’s a tech integration conference. But it’s more than a conference. It’s conversation. It’s family. It’s a bunch of cool folks getting together to learn more about how to improve education. And we’ll use whatever it takes -technology, PBL, gaming, online tools . . . we’ll try anything as long as it helps kids learn. Podstock is about creativity, about inspiration, about what’s good for kids. Our formal and informal conversations change how we do school.”
The conference is already on my calendar for next year (July 17, 18, and 19, 2013). Podstock is a voice, family, and friendship, and is so much more than just a conference to me. It is a family with the same ideals. It is those who are making a change or who want to make a change to give all of our students the passion and belief in something greater than ourselves.
This year I had a chance to host a session for one of the AWESOME sponsors! I got to share the crazy-cool, ins and outs of BrainPOP during the BrainPOP-o-Rama. Participants were introduced to all of the FREE resources that they feature and had a chance to play some games through GameUp. BrainPOP offers online learning at its best! I was able to share both BrainPOP apps, BrainPOP Educators, and all of the great resources that BrainPOP has to offer (attendees loved the option of closed captioning for the videos!). So, go check out those hip, groovy, educational GameUP games and BrainPOP apps and have a rocking year!