The Globeys: Globaloria’s Game Design Awards
Posted by cemignano on
Globaloria, established by the World Wide Workshop, is a program that teaches students how to create web-based educational games and interactive simulations. Each year, the program hosts the Globeys, a game design competition in which hundreds of Globaloria students participate. Celebrating excellence in the game design process, the Globeys are launched in the fall, giving students most of the school year to work on their projects before the spring submission deadline.
On August 10th, Globaloria proudly announced the names of the following West Virginia STEM and Civics Globey winners, as well as the Educator Inspiration Award winners.
- WV STEM Globey Winner: Power Supply, by Dylan Sturgeon
- WV Civics Globey Winners: Cause and Effect the Daniel Calwell, Story, by Caitlin Moore & Austin Susman
- Globaloria Educator Award Winners: Nyssa Arcos Evans (Best Returning Educator) and Diane White (Best Educator Mentor)
These winners were recognized for their hard work and creativity at the special Globey Award ceremony in Charleston, WV and received certificates, awards, and prizes, including subscriptions to BrainPOP. Congratulations!