Vote for the Best Lesson Plan
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Are you still looking for more way to implement BrainPOP and mobile devices in your classroom? Well take a look through the over 100 submissions to the BrianPOP and INTEL Lesson Plan Contest hosted by We Are Teachers! While you’re at it, be sure to vote on the best one, and help choose the idea most deserving of the $200 cash prize and flip camera. By vetting and voting on the lesson plans, you’ll be honoring your fellow professional educators, and getting a few good ideas in the process. Have a lesson plan idea of your own? Submit them directly to us, and you might even get a coveted BrainPOP T-shirt in the process 🙂
Filed as:
BrainPOP in the Classroom, Contests, Flipped Classroom, Intel, Promotions, Teacher Resources