Teach for All
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
BrainPOP is excited to announce our collaboration with Teach for All, a global network of social enterprises that is working to expand educational opportunity in nations all around the world. Many have heard of Teach for America, the program that puts motivated college graduates into high needs schools in the US, but fewer know that international interest in the Teach For America model spawned Teach For All (TFALL), which was launched at the Clinton Global Initiative conference in September 2007. Today, the TFALL network includes organizations in twenty-three countries in Europe, Asia, the Americas and the Middle East, with programs in an additional 10-20 countries expected to join in the next two years alone. Are you currently working with a Teach For All partner school? If so, take a look in the TFALL Synergies community for an exciting opportunity that includes access to BrainPOP!