See what’s new on BrainPOP Jr.!
Posted by SM Bruner on
What’s new on BrainPOP Jr.? We’ve been working on some great new resources for grades K-3! Check out the following movie topics:
Maya Civilization
Equivalent Fractions
Mixed Numbers
Plant Adaptations
Subject Verb Agreement
Energy Sources
Illegal Drugs
Physical and Chemical Changes
There are also some brand new lesson plans for our K-3 movies:
Coping With Anger
Dealing With Bullies
How Are Colors Created?
Exploring Subjects in Art with Vincent Van Gogh
Sculptures and Statues
Language Arts
Letter Fun with Moby
What is a Library?
Patterning with BrainPOP Jr.
Hibernation and Cold Weather Adaptations
Fossil Sequencing Game
Learning From Thomas Edison
Social Studies
What Do You Know About Mexico?
From Alexander Graham Bell to the Cell Phone