Goodbye Steve Jobs
Posted by Andrew Gardner on
Yesterday’s announcement of Steve Jobs’ death was a significant event in the history of computing and innovation. Jobs has been a major player in the development of technology and its impact on our world for the past 30+ years. From the original wooden Apple computer in 1977 to the thin, sleek, glass iPad 2 in 2011, Jobs helped personalize and demystify technology for the masses.
At BrainPOP we want to acknowledge Jobs and Apple Inc’s attention to education. Students and teachers the world over have used Apple’s hardware and software to express their ideas, explore their world and learn about themselves. Jobs and his colleagues at Apple knew it wasn’t about technology but about being human. The company put impeccable user experience at the core of their mission: “It’s in Apple’s DNA that technology alone is not enough: it’s technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our heart sing.”