Guest Blog: Getting Organized

Posted by allisyn on

Kathy Kinsner is a creator of educational media for and about children. She’s been a classroom teacher and reading specialist, an Emmy-winning kids’ TV producer, and most recently served as the Director of Curriculum and Instruction for education non-profit Roads to Success. This is her first contribution to the BrainPOP blog. Check out her lesson plan, Measuring Liquids!

The call came on a recent Friday night. On the other end of the line was a teary teenager, in her third week of college, far from home. I’d already heard about ridiculous roommates, money woes, and the unexpected dullness of small-town life. This was a more direct request. Can you come for a visit? I need help getting organized. I’m overwhelmed.

It never occurred to me not to go. Nor did I wonder why my many previous demonstrations of “getting organized” required a refresher. But I did think about everything we do to get our kids ready to take charge of their own learning, and lives.

BrainPOP movies provide a great place to start. Study and Reading Skills topics include everything from book reports to test-taking.

How do you make these skills a part of your classroom routine? How do you help your students get (and stay) organized? And how do you encourage parents to follow through at home? Please pass along your best organizational tips. As thanks for sharing, BrainPOP will award official baseball caps for our favorite suggestions.

Kathy Kinsner

New York, NY

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