Guide students to explore the following questions for the Bird Song Hero game: How is a spectrogram similar to a musical score? ...
As students explore the Gate game, encourage them to think about their strategies and what they're learning through game play using strong q...
What are the fundamentals of computer programming? How do you create a program? How are algorithms used in coding? How can you use ...
How can air make an object lift off the ground? How does the shape of an object help to slow it down as it falls through air? How doe...
How can models help us to predict the nature of objects and systems that we cannot see? How does studying cycles help us to understand ...
What are the main functions of the human body's organs? How can organ systems function interdependently? What does it mean to test a ...
What are some of the rights, responsibilities, and rewards in different cultural settings? What principles define American culture? W...
How can fractions be expressed, ordered, and compared? How is adding and subtracting fractions different and similar from working with ...
How can you determine if evidence is valid and reasonable? How can you use evidence to solve problems and make decisions? How...
How can you recognize what strategy to use for a specific problem? What different interpretations can be obtained from a particular pat...
How do I recognize what strategy to use for a specific problem? How can numbers be expressed, ordered, and compared? What strategies ...
How can I recognize what strategy to use for a specific problem? How can I test or appraise our predictions? How can I determine if a...